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  /  Uncategorized   /  Health Benefits Of Vitamin E That Everyone Should Know

Vitamins are those organic compounds that are primarily needed. Vitamin E Health benefits make it one of the required nutrients required by the human body to make it work properly and sustain a healthy life. We need vitamin supplements when our body is consuming them in less quantity or not absorbing them at all. There are several vitamins we need for our body, and Vitamin E is one among them. 

What is vitamin E good for?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin stored in fatty tissues of the body. It stays in your body longer as compare to water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin E is good for hair, skin, and body. One of the health benefits of vitamin E is that it enhances your immune system to fight against bacteria and viruses.  

Types of Vitamin E:

Naturally, there are 8 different types of vitamin E: Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma, and Delta-tocopherol. The remaining four vitamin E types are Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma-, and Delta-tocotrienol.

Forms of Vitamin E:

The antioxidant is Vitamin E’s other name. Vitamin E can be obtained from natural foods. It is recommended to eat these varieties of foods for obtaining Vitamin E:

  • Vegetable Oils (Wheat germ, Corn, Soya bean, sunflower, and safflower)
  • Nuts and seeds (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds)
  • Green Vegetables (Broccoli and spinach)
  • Some packed foods also contain Vitamin E such as breakfast cereals, fruit juices, butter, and spreads)

The recommended amount of Vitamin E:

As per the National Institute of Health in the USA, the amount recommended for the human body depends on the age. Here is a chart for a better understanding:

Life StageRecommended Amount
Birth to 6 months4 mg
Infants 7–12 months5 mg
Children 1–3 years6 mg
Children 4–8 years7 mg
Children 9–13 years11 mg
Teens 14–18 years15 mg
Adults15 mg
Pregnant teens and women15 mg
Breastfeeding teens and women19 mg

Functions of Vitamin E:

What does vitamin E do?

In simple words, vitamin E works in three ways:

1.  It is a fat-soluble antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down the process of damaging human body cells.

2.  Additionally, it boosts the human body’s immune system.

3.  It also helps dilate blood vessels and prevents blood clotting.  

How is Vitamin E good for skin?

Many of us always look for some natural remedies for skin issues. For them, vitamin E for dry skin is a healthy option to maintain a youthful skin appearance. As it is readily available in natural foods, so no supplement is needed to cure your skin issues. Instead, take Vitamin E rich foods to gain benefits. As it’s a powerful antioxidant; hence, it can help to reduce HV damage in the skin.

Vitamin E Supplements:

Vitamin E supplements come in different forms.  It may prevent many diseases, such as heart complications. It also supports the immune system and prevents inflammation. Additionally, Vitamin E is good for eye, hair, and skin health. It lowers cancer risk too.

Always opt for natural foods to gain Vitamin E benefits. If you can’t, then consuming Vitamin E supplements will definitely be a good idea.

Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions

  1. What is vitamin E good for?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient found in natural food. It acts as an antioxidant, which means it prevents body cells from damaging. It also keeps your skin healthy and hair strong.

  1. What does vitamin E do for your skin?

Vitamin E is a natural remedy for skin problems such as moisturizing skin, wound healing, skin cancer prevention, eczema, minimizing scars, treating fine lines and wrinkles, sunburn, and protecting the skin.

  1. Where do you get vitamin E?

Vitamin E can be obtained naturally from some foods. The main sources are wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, and oil. Peanuts, almonds, spinach, broccoli, kiwi fruit, and mangoes also contain this vitamin. If you are wondering how is vitamin E made, some packaged food also contains this vitamin. See the ingredients label of the product for better understanding.

  1. Where does vitamin E come from?

The most common sources of natural foods that contain abundant vitamin E are vegetable oils, which include corn, sunflower, palm, soya, and olives. Other sources are whole grains, fish, and green leafy vegetables.

  1. Why is vitamin e important?

Vitamin E is very important for the body as it enhances your immune system and keeps your body healthy. Also good for skin, hair, and nails.

  1. How to use vitamin E on the face?

Vitamin E can be found in a wide range of skin products such as serums, overnight anti-aging creams, and masks. Vitamin E oil-filled capsules can be applied to the skin directly.

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