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  /  Uncategorized   /  How To Choose Most Viable Vitamins For Seniors Over 70?

Finding vitamins for seniors over 70 can be quite tricky. Still, with the right vitamins, you can overcome cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

You would get all nutrients from whole foods, vegetables, and fruits in an ideal world. However, when you enter your 70s, changes in hormones can make hitting your desired quotas for specific minerals and vitamins increasingly tough.

Finding the most suitable vitamins for seniors over 70

Though science cannot re-create everything present in whole foods, if you supplement your diet with these vitamins for seniors, you can ace your game.

Following are the best vitamins for seniors:

Vitamin D

When you reach your 70s, bone loss increases. Women are even more prone to this loss. A nutrition researcher at Tufts University of Boston says, ‘Because bone mass is maintained by estrogen, women tend to become vulnerable to bone loss when they experience menopause.’

Vitamin D is one of the best gummy vitamins for seniors. In your body, much of the Vitamin D is made when you sit in the sunlight. But as you age, the ability of your skin to make this vitamin decreases considerably. This is capable of putting you at a high risk of experiencing a deficiency. Over the years, there is a surge in the use of Vitamin D supplements because of its benefits.

Why take Vitamin D?

In fact, it helps in absorbing calcium, and it is important for healthy and strong bones. It is also one of the best eye vitamins for seniors. Moreover, it can help in reducing osteoporosis, which is a condition that makes your bones prone to breaking and more brittle.

Vitamin D is related to the decreased risk of osteoporosis and contributes to healthy bones. However, it does not mean that its benefits are limited to only these aspects. A review in the Journal of Gerontology and Aging indicates that the deficiency of Vitamin D is associated with several conditions and diseases related to aging. These include cancer, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, depression, and cognitive decline. The fact that it helps with type-2 diabetes makes it one of the best vitamins for seniors with diabetes. Furthermore, it is one of the best vitamins for enhancing seniors’ energy.


Calcium is a vital vitamin for seniors because almost all the calcium in your body is in your bones. Vitamin D and calcium tend to complement each other. In fact, they work together and help in keeping your bones strong and healthy. They are associated with a decrease in the risk of falls and fractures among seniors. The calcium needs of an aged body can be met by taking a calcium supplement and a multivitamin supplement.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the best chewable vitamins for seniors. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Neuropsychiatry determines that approximately forty percent of seniors have a deficiency of Vitamin B12. Most of these deficiencies are because of the inability to absorb the vitamin effectively.

The deficiency of Vitamin B12 can be an issue at any age. However, as you reach your 70s, it can become even worrisome. Even though the precise number is not known, 10-30 percent of seniors are not capable of absorbing Vitamin B12 from their food. Due to it, it is recommended by Linus Pauling Institute that seniors in their 70s must take 100- 400 micrograms of Vitamin B12. Usually, it falls in the category of once-a-day vitamins for seniors.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In cell membranes of the brain, DHA is the most commonly found Omega-3 fatty acid. For your heart and muscles, fatty acids serve as energy. Omega-3 fatty acids are a category of vital polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are capable of reducing the likelihood of sudden cardiac arrests. In addition to it, researchers have noted that people consuming Omega-3 fatty acids (in the form of supplements or vitamins) have a lower risk of several diseases.


Although probiotics don’t fall in the category of vitamins, they complement the intake of vitamins. An increasing number of researches indicates that an imbalance in your gut links to overall diseases and health; a healthy and sustainable balance of gut bacteria is promoted by probiotics. These involve benefits for immune function, digestive health, and weight loss. Some studies note that probiotic supplements are capable of improving mental health. In fact, taking probiotic supplements for eight weeks helps in decreasing levels of depression.

Overall, these are some of the best vitamins for seniors over 70.

Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions

1. What is a good multivitamin for a senior citizen?

Vitamin B12 is one of the best multivitamins for a senior citizen. It helps them to make enough red blood cells and also aids the proper functioning of brain cells.

2. What should a 90-year old eat?

A 90-year-old should consume necessary vitamins and antioxidants for staying healthy. A variable diet that provides all the necessary nutrients would be ideal.

3. What are the best vitamins to take on a daily basis?

Some of the best vitamins to take on a daily basis include Vitamin D, Iron, Zinc, and Calcium. These provide the basic dietary requirements of your body.

4. What are the three things the elderly must do for their health?

The three things that elderly must do include: Have a healthy diet, take vitamins, and exercise daily. Together these three things will enable them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

5. What is the best multivitamin for the age over 60?

Again, for seniors over 60, Vitamin B12 is the best multivitamin to consume. It will avert any danger of anemia by producing sufficient quantities of red blood cells.

6. Which are some good multivitamin supplements for old people?

Supplements, including Vitamin D, Calcium, and B12, should be taken. Consult a doctor or dietitian to find out which multivitamin supplements will be best for your unique needs.

7. Which multivitamin should a person of 50 years take to stay fit? 

A combination of Vitamin D and B12 should be taken by a person aged 50-years (or over) for staying fit. These will improve mood and reduce the risk of health complications.

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