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  /  Uncategorized   /  Is Taking Vitamins And Supplements For Depression A Good Idea?

As awareness is rising, many people are taking supplements for depression. These work well in reducing the symptoms of despair and anxiety.

What is Depression?

Ever felt like drowning, while everyone else around you is breathing fine. Feeling fatigued, losing hair, dying skin, and no more positive vibes: these are all symptoms of depression. Depression is a mental illness that can harm, both emotionally and physically.

So what does it mean to be depressed? A depressed person is intended to look into everything around negatively and lacks the attention to positive aspects.

What are the types of symptoms of depression?

Symptoms of depression can be of two types:

1.  Mental State Symptoms: such as anxiety, not attracted to anything, isolation, self-harming attitude, etc.

2.  Physical State Symptoms: such as hair loss, grey hair, muscles pain, body pains, etc. 

Both of these types are interrelated and pretty easy to be recognized in people suffering from depression. Antidepressants are the solution to fighting it, but not everything is curable with the antidepressants. Vitamins or supplements for depression, only as prescribed by the doctor, are also a great source when it comes to fighting against anxiety and depression. 

How do vitamins help in fighting depressions?

Vitamins or supplements for depression and anxiety help to maintain the necessary chemicals in the human body, which help to maintain the mood. These missing chemicals from your brain are either a result of a depressive state or anxiety. Medical studies have revealed a connection between both. Therefore, most medical consultants who work to help people to fight with depression also suggest the best vitamins that help with depression.

What are the best vitamins for depression?

While the list could be huge, the best multivitamins for depression are B Vitamins, including B12, B9, and B3. Other than B vitamins, Vitamin D, Omega 3, Magnesium, and Vitamin C are also recommended by nutrients to fight physical symptoms of depression. Here is how these supplements or vitamins can help in fighting depression:

·         Vitamin B12 produces or maintains the chemicals in the brain that are necessary to help with the mood. It is mostly available in meat, eggs, and milk.

·         Vitamin B9 and Vitamin B3 produce and synthesize adequate levels of serotonin in brains for the development of the brain. 

·         Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is known to produce adequate levels of chemicals in the brain to keep the mood pleasant.

·         Omega 3 is the essential fat nutrient that our body needs to perform normally. Mostly these fatty supplements are extracted from fish, nuts, etc.

The role of vitamins to help mood and fight with depression is undeniable. When present in the human body, these essential nutrients produce necessary chemicals in the brain to emit positive rays to change the mood of a person.

If you are suffering from depression or having a hunch that the current circumstances may lead you to suffer from anxiety in the future, having these vitamins will not harm you. With the consultation of a qualified doctor, you can have these vitamins and supplements in your routine as well. Resultantly, your body will grow more potent against the odd possibilities of getting through the depression.

Questions That You Might Be Finding Answers For

1.      Are there any good vitamins for depression?

Yes, there are many but B vitamins are considered to help in fighting with the depression. Other than this, Omega 3, Magnesium and Vitamin C are also considered good to boost the mood.

2.      What are the everyday symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency?

Common symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency are hair loss, muscle pain, bone weakness, and depression. However, there can be other symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency as well.

3.      Does vitamin D3 help with depression?

Yes, studies have proven that people with Vitamin D deficiency have a high probability of suffering from depression.

4.      Have you ever tried folic acid to treat depression?

Yes, folic acid helps to maintain SAMe level in the human body. If it is not maintained, it may lead to depression.

5.      Is sunshine good for depression?

Yes, exposure to sunlight helps in increasing serotonin. An increased serotonin level helps to deal with anxiety and depression.

6.      Can magnesium supplements help with depression?

Yes, magnesium supplements help to fight anxiety and depression. If your body has lower-than-recommended magnesium, boosting the level of magnesium with a supplement should be helpful in dealing with depression.

7.      Will I notice a difference when taking vitamin supplements?

Yes, multivitamins intake can start breaking down and absorption process within 30 minutes of being inside the human body. Within twenty-four hours, the intended benefits start serving the human body. Only with the continuous usage of multivitamins, you will notice long term benefits of taking vitamin supplements.

8.      How does vitamin B12 help in antidepressant withdrawals?

Antidepressants are consumed to help in reducing the symptoms of depression. They do not cure depression. B12 Vitamin helps to decrease the symptoms like fatigue and helps in antidepressant withdrawals.

9.      Why do Vitamin D pills make me happy?

Vitamin D is known for boosting and promoting a healthy mood. Therefore taking Vitamin D pills will make you feel happy.

10.  Is a high dose of fish oil effective against depression?

Multivitamins are to be consumed under prescribed dosage only. Fish oil can be useful in fighting depression, but taking a one-time high dose will not be a good idea.

11.  Does nutritional deficiency cause depression?

Yes, the absence of desired nutritional values in the human body has shown symptoms of anxiety and depression.

12.  Is low vitamin D linked to anxiety symptoms?

Yes, according to studies, people suffering from anxiety were found to have vitamin D deficiency as well.

13.  What are the best pills to fight depression?

It will vary from person to person, so it is always a good practice to consult a nutritionist or doctor first. In general, B vitamins are best pills to fight depression.

14.  Can vitamin B supplements help with depression?

Yes, B vitamins, especially B12, helps to fight the depression. Depending on the deficiency in your body, other supplements may come in handy too.

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